introduce a neat mechanic where the player can sacrifice one type of resource to gain a temporary boost.
You can use them for burn of excess resources with harsh diminishing returns.
- Multiple booster tiers
- Requirements per tier
- Automatically turn off if the player can't afford
export class ExampleFeature extends UpgradesFeature {
initialize() {
this.booster = new Booster("Boost your experience gain by spending money every second", [
new BoosterTier([new Currency(10, CurrencyType.Money)], 1.5, "1.5x"),
new BoosterTier([new Currency(100, CurrencyType.Money), new ImpossibleRequirement()], 2, "2x"),
new BoosterTier([new Currency(1000, CurrencyType.Money)], 3, "3x"),
], this._wallet, 1);
update(delta: number) {
// Automatically apply costs based on delta and scale down if can't afford
const boosterBonus = this.booster.perform(delta);
const moneyToGain = 3 * boosterBonus;