Project Structure

This page will explain the layout of the project. It explains some terminology as well.

Project Structure

The global static root object is called App. When it is started, it creates an instance of Game where you can inject different Features. This means that all features are accessible with<feature>. During the initialization of a feature, all features are passed to the initialization method.



Features are part of your game containing some sort of state. Think of a Wallet to track currencies, Settings for player preferences, and Achievements.

Features can be implemented by extending the Feature class. Features like this automatically get included in the game loop. This means they get called with update(delta: number) automatically, as well as being saved and loaded. A game will consist of multiple features communicating with each other.



Tools is not really a good name. Might change it in the future

Tools are a collection name for things that can be reused between features. Think of Upgrades, Saving, DropTables.

Note that these aren't saved as they shouldn't contain any game state.

Id vs Type

I am a huge fan of using Enums over strings. They prevent mistakes with minimal boilerplate. Anything that uniquely identifies an object instance should be an Id. Otherwise, it should be a Type.

export enum UpgradeId {
export enum UpgradeType {
export class Upgrade {
id: UpgradeId;
type: UpgradeType;
// Other stuff



All percentages scale from 0 to 1. Not 0 to 100%. This is nicer as you can simply multiply all of them.


All times are floats in seconds. const time: number = 1; means 1 second.